Your P&C
The P&C Association provides an official structure that allows parents to get involved at College, to be a part of the community, and to raise funds to support our College. Our P&C doesn’t have any employees, we are a volunteer association.
For a P&C to exist we must have an Executive Committee comprised of some of the parents and carers of children at School. You can find details on this page as well as ways to become involved yourself. We are strongest as a school community when we each give a little.
We pride ourselves on our enjoyable, friendly and relaxed atmosphere of our P&C meetings – after all, the main reason we get involved is because it is fun. Our monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 – 8.00 pm.
Meetings are held in a hybrid fashion where those who prefer to meet in person can come to the Met East Room, Senior Campus, on School Road, or virtually Microsoft Teams conferencing software. Meetings are open to any interested member of the College community. If you are a member, you will receive notice via email and you can follow us on Facebook for regular updates.

Our 2024 Executive Team

Cassandra A





Assistant Secretary
Our Working Groups
Working groups are formed by P&C to undertake specific planning and/or manage tasks on behalf of the association. Working groups are categorised as either an ad hoc or a standing working group.
Ad hoc working groups are formed to carry out specific tasks and cease to exist after these tasks have been completed.
Standing working groups have an ongoing role and are elected annually at, or confirmed by, the P&C annual general meeting, for example, the fundraising working group.
Working groups have delegated authority and are fully accountable to the P&C. Each working groups must operate within the rules set for it by the P&C. Sometimes a working group may write its own rules but these must be properly endorsed by the P&C before the working group begins its work.
We have several working groups run by dedicated parents. These groups always welcome new parent volunteers.

The Legal Stuff...
The P&C Association has obligations to abide by College and P&C QLD rules and regulations. Some of which are listed below.
Click here to find out how to become a member, volunteer to help or get involved