Voluntary Contribution
Each year the Capalaba State College P&C offers parents an opportunity to make a financial contribution to support student learning and well-being. This is crucial because our State and Commonwealth Governments provide funding for basic resources only.
In the past voluntary contributions raised $1000s for the school and helped to fund a range of activities at school including the toilet transformation project, philosophy training for teachers, training and resources for a whole school approach to literacy, home readers, garden beds, library shelving and incursions and excursions for our kids.
This year we’re aiming to raise $10,000 through the voluntary contribution. If every family donated $50 per child, we would reach this goal.
Thank you for your continued support and contribution. The P&C’s support for the school isn’t possible without it!
Electronic banking – direct deposit (no fee)
Account BSB: 064172
Account number: 10254002
Reference: VC <your surname>
You can make a one-off payment, or set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly recurring transfer.
If you would like a receipt, please email treasurer@capalabascpandc.com.au