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Operational Plan:

Capalaba State College P&C Association Operating Guidelines (2024/2025) for the Capalaba State College Amateur Swimming Club




The name of the clubs shall be the "CAPALABA STATE COLLEGE AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB" and / or the “PIRANHAS SWIM CLUB”, hereinafter referred to as "the club".



a) To act as a sub-committee of the Capalaba State College Parents & Citizens Association.

b) To provide services and facilities for amateur swimming at the Capalaba State College Junior Campus Pool.

c) To teach the skills and techniques to enable swimmers at the club to adapt to training and competition at various levels as well as furnishing swimmers with opportunities for discipline and sportsmanship thus enhancing a healthy participation in swimming and enjoyment in the sport.



a) The Executive Committee of the club shall consist of the office bearers who must be members of the CAPALABA STATE COLLEGE PARENTS AND CITIZENS ASSOCIATION. The executive committee shall have the power to resolve any urgent administration and or disciplinary matters arising from time to time in conjunction with the CAPALABA STATE COLLEGE PARENTS AND CITIZENS ASSOCIATION and such decisions must be ratified at the next general meeting of the club.

b) The subcommittee shall consist of at least 4 members of the Capalaba State College P and C Association, elected at the Annual General Meeting at which the subcommittee is established.

c) The committee of the club shall consist of the honorary members. (See Rule. 13)



a) The officers be:

     i. Chairperson

     ii. Vice Chairperson

     iii. Secretary

     iv. Treasurer

b) The officers MUST be endorsed by the Association at a duly constituted meeting.

     i. The officers can be elected at either the meeting at which the subcommittee is established or at the AGM of the Association or,

     ii. The elected members of the subcommittee can meet to determine who will take on the officer positions and then recommend the appointments to the next general meeting of the Association. These positions are not confirmed until approval by the Association.

c) Officers of the Association are eligible for election as an officer of the subcommittee.



a) The subcommittee will operate under the general supervision of, and be subject to, conditions imposed by the Association and reviewed at each AGM.

b) The subcommittee is bound by the P&C Association’s Constitution and the Accounting Manual for P&C Associations (Accounting Manual).

c) The subcommittee is authorised to organise, in collaboration with Capalaba Amateur Swimming Club staff, activities necessary to achieve its purpose.

d) All planned activities must be reported to the Association and approval sought before the activity takes place.

e) Approval is to be sought at an Association meeting before any funds can be committed or expended.



a) Meetings of the subcommittee shall be held at least once every month during active season (October – April) and when required during off season.

b) The quorum for all meetings shall be 3 members.

c) Matters arising at meetings may be resolved by a majority of votes of members present. The Chairperson, or the person presiding at the meeting, has a deliberative vote and in the event of an equality of votes, a casting vote.



a) The subcommittee shall provide a written report to every general meeting of the Association in the form of minutes of the subcommittee meeting and a copy of the income and expenditure and bank reconciliation. The report should be signed by an executive officer of the Association.

b) The report must include any resolved matters that are outside of normal operating activities as recommendations for approval by the Association before any action is taken.



a) The subcommittee will be responsible in all its actions to the Association which shall have the right to disband, reorganise or wind up the affairs of the subcommittee.

b) The subcommittee is authorised to operate a bank account in its name at the same bank as the Association. The account is to be operated by any two of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer.

c) Proper accounting records shall be kept of all moneys received and expended by the subcommittee.

d) The subcommittee is responsible for the payment of all expenses from its own funds.

e) All accounts shall be paid by cheque or electronic funds transfer in favour of the supplier of goods or services.

f) All cheques are to be crossed and marked ‘not negotiable – account payee only’ and ‘or bearer’ crossed out.

g) The subcommittee Treasurer shall oversee all financial matters including the storage of change or a float and the appropriate counting and banking of money.

h) Petty cash may be set up for the Treasurer on the impress system.

i) Surplus funds, in excess of operating capital of $5,000 shall be paid to the Association at the end of each swim club season after all supplier accounts are finalised. Funds designated for a special purpose will be kept separate by the Association until required for the purpose for which it was designated.

j) The subcommittee will ensure that the accounts are ready to be audited in conjunction with the audit of the Association’s accounts by the same auditor.

k) The subcommittee will develop an Annual Operation Plan (AOP) and budget for presentation to and approval by the Association.

l) Approval of the AOP and budget will determine funds that will be used for a special purpose.



The subcommittee:

a. shall invite volunteers to assist with activities.

b. is to ensure that any volunteers who are not a parent of a swim club member, has a ‘Suitability Blue Card’ before including them as a volunteer.

c. for insurance purposes, will ensure that all non-parent voluntary workers sign in and out of the volunteer register when conducting duties for club events.

d. shall ensure that all volunteers are made aware of any policies and procedures that apply.

e. Offer the volunteers the opportunity to become members of the Association and the subcommittee.



a. The tenure of the subcommittee is at the discretion of the association.

b. The Association has the right to dissolve or disband a subcommittee at any time by majority vote at a duly constated meeting of the Association.

c. Continuation of the subcommittee is subject to an affirmative vote at the AGM of the Association.



Rules of the club may be altered at the pre P&C AGM General Meeting, or at a special general meeting called for that purpose. Notice of motion to change the rules must be submitted to the Secretary at least three weeks before this meeting. These notices of motion must be circulated to the members at least two weeks prior to this meeting.



a) Swimming membership of the club is open to any person 5 - 21 years.

b) Application for membership must be made on the prescribed form and handed to the club registrar together with a participation fee. A birth certificate must be sighted before membership will be accepted.

c) Only swimming members of the club who have paid the participation fee may participate in club night swims, represent the club at carnivals, may participate in Club Championships.



a) Honorary membership is automatically granted to parents and guardians of swimming club members. Other community members over the age of 21 who subscribe to the aims of the club may apply for honorary membership, which can be granted on a simple majority vote of those members present at a general meeting.

b) Honorary members may participate in the adult swim training squad and swim in all club night events as prescribed in Regulation 19 and will comply with the rules and regulations as they relate to members.



a) Life membership may be granted to anyone who has been a member of the club for a minimum of eight (8) years, and has served on the committee, and is considered to have made a significant contribution to the club.

b) Nominations for life membership must be made in writing by a member and seconded by a further two (2) members, at least one of whom must not be an office bearer. The completed nomination and supporting statement must be presented to the secretary. The decision to grant life membership will be made by the unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, except that where the nominee is a member of the Executive Committee, that member will be excluded from the vote.

c) The number of life members granted in any one year shall not be restricted.



The personal data of club members held by the appropriate designated officials shall not be made available to anyone except at the discretion of the Executive Committee or by the direction of the Chairperson.


16. FEES

Annual participation fees and pool entry fees will be charged where applicable, and such fees will be determined by the executive committee as required.



a) The Club's competition night will be each Tuesday commencing at 6.30 p.m. sharp. The decision to abandon or proceed with club night shall be decided by the Office Bearers. The Tuesday night meet may also be altered at the discretion of the Office Bearers when it clashes with other sporting or community fixtures affecting most regular club night swimmers.

b) Nominations for club night swims must be lodged at the nomination table on the prescribed nomination cards or preferably online via the club’s website no later than 6.15p.m. on the night of the meet.

c) Nomination cards must be completed in full.



Swimmers will compete against their own times for points based on their club night swims. Points so gained will accumulate throughout the season and will form the basis of improvement trophy allocations at the conclusion of each season.

a) Points for freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly sprint events will be allocated according to the following schedule:-


· More than 1.59 seconds slower than best time 1

· Between 0.60 & 1.59 seconds slower than best time 2

· 0.59 seconds either side of best time 3

· Between 0.60 & 1.59 seconds faster than best time 5

· Between 1.60 & 2.59 seconds faster than best time 6

· Between 2.60 & 3.59 seconds faster than best time 7

· More than 3.59 seconds faster than best time 8


b) When a club night swim is cancelled after being partly swum, points will only be allocated for the strokes that have been completed in each division.



a) The club program for the season will include:

  • Freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly sprint events in two (2) divisions - 25 and 50 metres.

  • There will also be provision for 12.5 meter swims at the beginning of each club night if required for young swimmers to a maximum of three swims at 12.5 metres. Young swimmers must become paid members for more than one trial swim night.

  • Individual medley in two (2) divisions - 100 and 200 metres.

  • Distance freestyle in two (2) divisions - 100 and 200 metres.

  • Freestyle and medley relays - 4 by 25 metres.

b) The strokes to be swum each night will be determined by the committee and listed in the information booklet which will be handed to swimmers at sign-on prior to the commencement of each season.

c) All swimmers will start in the same distance they finished in during last seasons’ last club night

d) Those swimmers who are swimming for the first time will commence the season in the lowest distance in each stroke unless approved by the Executive Committee with proof of a faster seeding time as set in Rule 19(f).

e) All swimmers will begin their season on a level playing field and all will receive one (1) point for their first swim in each stroke.

f) The following times are to be recorded at a club night meet to qualify for promotion to the distances as shown:-

25m. to 50m.

  • Freestyle 24 sec.

  • Backstroke 28 sec.

  • Breaststroke 31 sec.

  • Butterfly 27 sec.

100m. to 200m.

  • Distance freestyle 100 sec.

  • Individual Medley 100 sec.


g) A swimmer who cannot swim the 100 metres distance freestyle or the 100 metres individual medley in under 150 seconds will not be eligible to nominate again for that event until the swimmer obtains a clearance from the coach or the Executive Committee.

h) Upon swimming a time that makes a swimmer eligible to progress to a longer distance (refer Rule 19(f), the swimmer will have no option but to go to the longer distance at the next swim in that stroke.

i) Once having graduated to a longer distance in any stroke (refer Rule 19(f) and Rule 19(g)), a swimmer may not return to a shorter distance unless the age on blocks at championships or carnival is assigned to the shorter distance.

j) Swimmers graduating to the next distance in each stroke will take all points to their new division. Four (4) points will be awarded for the first swim in the new distance swum in each stroke.

k) Swimmers may swim in only one division in each event on any one club night.



a) The club will conduct championship events in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, individual medley and distance freestyle.

b) Championship events will be swum in all ages from 5 to 21 years. Age champions will be named in each age group.

c) All swimmers aged 9 and under will swim 25 metres in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly championship events, and will swim 100 metres in the individual medley and distance freestyle championship events.

d) All swimmers aged 10 years will swim 50 metres in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly championship events, and will swim 100 metres in the individual medley and the distance freestyle championship events.

e) All swimmers aged 11 years and over will swim 50 metres in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly championship events, and will swim 200 metres in the individual medley and the distance freestyle championship events.

f) Ages for championship events will be calculated according to the actual age of the swimmer on the first day of the championship.

g) To be eligible to compete in the club championships, a swimmer must swim a minimum of four (4) of the club night swims in the relevant stroke, two (2) medley and two (2) distance freestyle events for which they are nominated.

h) Club champions will be awarded in the following divisions:-


Junior Girl - 11 years and under.

Junior Boy - 11 years and under.

Senior Girl - 12 years and over.

Senior Boy - 12 years and over.

i) Overall club champion - will be the highest points scorer from the four divisions. Ages will be determined as per Rule 20(f).

j) Club champions will be determined by adding together points gained for the club by the individual swimmer at designated club carnivals (only if able to obtain the relevant data from the host of the carnival) and points gained by the individual swimmer in club championships. For the method of allocating carnival points, see Rule 20(h).

k) Age champions will be determined by allocating points in club championship finals on the following basis:-


1st - 7 points.

2nd - 5 points.

3rd - 4 points.

4th - 3 points.

5th - 2 points.

6th - 1 point.



a) Club championship records shall be kept in all distances, events and all age groups as set out in Rule 20, and established and broken only at championship swims.

b) Carnival records shall be kept in all distances and age groups for each event, and can only be established or broken at carnivals. They shall be recorded according to age on the block.

c) Club records shall be kept in all distances and individual age groups for each event, and can be established or broken only by a financial member of the Capalaba State College Amateur Swimming Club or Piranhas Swim Club at club night swims, and shall be recorded according to age on the block.

d) Any attempt on a record during a club night swim can only be made if notice is given at the time of nomination. Any swimmer wishing to attempt a record must have recorded a time at a club night swim that conforms with the following:

  • 25m all strokes within 2 seconds of existing record.

  • 50m all strokes within 3 seconds of existing record.

  • Distance Freestyle and Individual Medley within 5 seconds of existing record.

e) For a record to be established or broken, the swimmer must be timed by two (2) timing devices reading 100ths of a second.



a) Members must at all times obey the instructions of any official. Wilful or persistent disobedience of official's instructions or misconduct will result in the suspension of that member by the senior official present at that event.

b) A suspended member may be summoned before the committee to show cause why membership should not be terminated.

c) Swimmers may be disqualified, thus losing points in any particular race by the referee or senior official for:

i. Failing to swim in accordance with the rules of breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly as defined by Swimming Queensland Association.

ii. Breaking on the start as defined by the Swimming Queensland Association.



a) Competitions may be arranged by the committee against other clubs or schools. Dates and times of these will be notified to members as they become available.

b) Selection for Events - For carnivals where the number of swimmers is limited the selection of swimmers to compete in carnival events is to be based on the fastest times for that event, except that where a swimmer cannot equal his/her best time for an event within the next two (2) consecutive club night swims in that stroke, that time will not be used.

c) The carnival selectors shall select the age groups for each home and away carnival from the following list (depending on the race age format of the club):

  • 5 years & under

  • 6 years

  • 7 years

  • 8 years

  • 9 years

  • 10 years

  • 11 years

  • 12 years

  • 13 years

  • 14 years

  • 15 years 

  • 16 years

  • 16 years & over

  • 17 years

  • 17 years & over

  • 18 years & over

  • all age

d) Ages for Home Carnivals. All swimmers will be selected according to their age at the date of each home and away carnival.

e) Carnival Selectors. Decisions of the carnival selectors will be final and binding in every respect.

f) Allocation of Points

Points will be allocated according to the table below for each of the four strokes regardless of the program at the carnival.

  • 1ST - 7 points

  • 2ND - 5 points

  • 3RD - 4 points

  • 4TH - 3 points

  • 5TH - 2 points

  • 6TH - 1 point

Each swimmer can only gain points for his/her best swim in each stroke.

g) Eligibility of Carnivals for Points.

Points will be allocated for those carnivals which cater to a lower age limit of 6 & under, and an upper age limit of 15 & over.



a) Lifeguards will be provided at all competition swims. Competitors who are in trouble should support themselves on one of the lane ropes until help arrives.

b) There must be absolute silence between the sounding of the referee's whistle and the starter's start command.

c) Swimming apparel must be of a style and nature acceptable to the committee.

d) The school grounds are strictly out of bounds unless otherwise notified.

e) Every child must have an adult responsible for them, otherwise they will not be allowed into the pool enclosure.

f) All swimmers must wear bathing caps whilst in the pool.



Changes to these operating guidelines can be made by recommendation put to a general meeting of the Association or to the AGM of the Association at which the continuance of the subcommittee and the operating guidelines is confirmed.

Want to Volunteer?

If you are interested in helping out and volunteering on the night, we are always after help. Whether its manning a lane timer, helping out in the canteen, marshling, we have plenty of options for you to get involved. Reach out to us to find out more.


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Capalaba State College P&C Association
School Road, Capalaba, QLD, 4157
ABN: 1 185 781 460

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