CSC Sip and Paint (Date TBA)
A proposal to host a sip and paint event. Still in planning stage- this would include having a parent facilitate the art session, hosted at a local venue, with light refreshments provided.This is still in planning stage, and if anyone wants to help with these events- please let us know. Already have a space in mind that has offered to host the event for free. Now just a matter of determining interest and working out pricing/dates again.
Hoping to make it an affordable evening for parents to enjoy without the kids. It can be discussedin more detail at our upcoming planningday, and an update will be provided at the next GM.
P&C Fundraising Planning Luncheon (Date 17th of July)
The purpose of this meeting is to review our fundraising plans and other activities under the scope of the P&C. Have discussions and make decisions on future activities and our directions.
The meeting will occur over lunch time so there will be opportunity to eat whilst we chat.
Please let us know if you plan to attend. We only have limited seats available for the upcoming session.
CSC Movie Cinema experience (Date TBA)
We are constantly looking at other opportunities to fundraise and do something different. To createan experience, have some fun and to also bring together our school family community. Something being tabled now, and we’re open to hearing any other ideas, is to host a movie cinema experience- where we would look to hire a local cinema (mainly Capalaba Event Cinemas or Victoria Point Cineplex) and offer a ticket package, which would include tickets and a small popcorn, for an example. Still getting quotes for prices/venues/dates,etc, but it’s an opportunity for P&C to also enjoy the event with our own familiestoo, without too much effort on the actual day. Stay tuned to our events page for more information.
Fathers Day Stall (Date 31st of August to 1st of September)
Similar to the Mothers day stall, this year we have sourced 1000s of items to sell to College students for fathers day. The shop is also available to purchase online up to a week before the stall date.
Like always, these events require volunteers to help put together items, bundles, as well as help on the day helping the little ones decide what to buy for there loved ones.
For more information, stay tuned to the Fathers Day event page:
P&C General Meetings (Dates: 25/7, 22/8 & 12/9)
Our regular monthly general meetings occur every month, and are free for all to join. If you are unsure as to whether you want to join the P&C, you can always simply log onto the P&C online teams meeting, and just be a listening ear. Its a good way to find out more about the P&C without having to commit to anything up front. You will need to join if you want to vote on any decisions.
Joining also has no committments, and is a good way to be included in communication from the P&C and College administration.