Greetings P&C Members!
We hope this email finds you in high spirits! We hope you had a thrilling ride with us in 2023 as a P&C member, and we're writing to give you a friendly heads up that all 2023 memberships will lapse and disappear into the ether on Monday 18th March 2024 at 6pm during our AGM.
BUT FEAR NOT! We're giving you the chance to keep the good times rolling and continue your FREE membership in 2024, jam-packed with fun and perks, you could even upgrade and find your calling in our Volunteer Positions then just add your details here: Membership | Capalaba State College P&C and voila, you won’t miss a beat! (If you have already done this kudos to you – please keep reading!)
If you've got the time to also complete the mandatory training here (takes about 10 minutes to complete the two short modules) you will receive a metaphorical gold star from us! If not, that's okay, we will remind you in a few weeks time.
If you're feeling extra generous, why not pencil in your calendar to lend a hand and volunteer with us throughout the year? Check out our upcoming events, volunteering opportunities and role descriptions via our website too, see if anything catches your fancy and swing us a message. We are so excited for all of the amazing things in the pipeline and would love to have you be a part of it!
As they say, many hands make light work, and we'd be thrilled to welcome you into the fold.
Please complete your Membership Form ASAP and before 18th March 2024 by 4pm to help us run our AGM smoothly.
Thanks for being part of the P&C family, and we can't wait to see what 2024 holds for us!
Best regards, Capalaba State College P&C Team.
Cassie Wagstaff
SecretaryCapalaba State College P&C
