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Volunteer Positions Overview

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Position: President
Role: Accountable for the Association’s operations under the legislative framework of rules and regulations governing P&Cs and work closely with the College’s leadership team. Chairs meetings, being familiar with the rules, constitution, and other document governing operations. Seeks to have a good understanding of concerns and expectations of the parent body.

Commitment: Executive Committee Member, required to attend P&C General Meetings and other meetings as required. High level of commitment with ability to utilise technology for communications.


Position: Vice-President
Role: Works closely with the Executive Committee on governing operations and event planning. Provide cover for any of the Executive team, as the need arises, including chairing of meetings where required. Also be familiar with the rules, constitution, and other documents governing Association operations. The number of Vice Presidents and their roles may change as needs arise depending on priorities and the level of support required.

Commitment: Executive Committee Member, required to attend P&C General Meetings and other meetings as required. High level of commitment with ability to utilise technology for communications. Commitment may lesson if more than one VP is in place.


Position: Secretary
Role: Works with the President to prepare agendas for the Association’s meetings and collate the necessary papers, including liaising with subcommittee groups. The Secretary prepares and presents minutes and works with the P&C’s Assistant Secretary to record and deal with correspondence as directed, maintaining an organised record of decisions and information relating to P&C activities.

Commitment: Executive Committee Member, required to attend P&C General Meetings and other meetings as required. High level of commitment with ability to utilise technology for communications.


Position: Assistant Secretary
Role: Assists Secretary with their responsibilities. This may include maintaining registers such as the P&C membership register and administering membership forms.

Commitment: Executive Committee Member, required to attend P&C General Meetings and other meetings as required.

Position: Treasurer
Role: Has overall responsibility for the financial management of the P&C, including all sub-committee accounts. In consultation with the Executive Committee, they comply with the Accounting Manual for P&C Associations in preparing an annual budget and Annual Operational Plan. It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to keep accurate accounts of receipts and expenditure. The Treasurer prepares financial reports for meetings and oversees 2nd hand uniform shop business operations.

Commitment: Executive Committee Member, required to attend P&C General Meetings and other meetings as required. High level of commitment with ability to utilise technology for communications.


Position: Fundraising Working Group Member/Coordinator

Role: Organise and/or provide input into implementing fundraising events throughout the year. Events could include Trivia nights, drives, social events, raffles.  This also includes activities related to the Connection Corridor Project.

Commitment: The level of commitment is up to the individual, they can choose to be heavily involved or just responding to the occasional email. The more people involved, the more representative the group will be across the school community. Any contribution is meaningful.


Position: Grants Working Group Member/Coordinator

Role: Liaise with the College community to identify items for the College “wish list” which facilities targeting fundraising and grant writing efforts.  Find and apply for grants. The grants working group historically has a few members, expectation to work together as a group. Applying for grants provides fabulous opportunities for our college.

Commitment: Commitment depends on what time the volunteer can put into it. It can be low, medium or high – your choice. Use technology to facilitate conversations amongst the grant writers group. Expectation that at least one member of the working group attend P&C General Meetings and provide an update.


Position: Social Media & Digital Marketing Coordinator

Role: Add content to Facebook as needed from Exec Committee, Sub-committees and other roles. Create own posts or share posts you see fit for engagement for our school community. Create an annual plan for posting as well as posting on an as needs basis. Work closely with the Connection Corridor planning to produce materials as required.

Commitment: Commitment depends on what time the volunteer can put into it. Nil requirement to attend meetings.


Position: Containers for Change Coordinator

Role: Liaise with the College and the P&C Executive to devise and launch a Containers for Change program.

Commitment: Commitment depends on what time the volunteer can put into it. Nil requirement to attend meetings – however verbal or written update required for each meeting (can be done on behalf of).


Position: Sponsorships and Fence Advertising Coordinator (SFAC)

Role: Find and implement sponsors and fence advertising. The SFAC generates income and sponsorship opportunities for the P&C Association and sub-committee(s). Actively liaising with the Executive Committee to identify and pursue opportunities.

Commitment: Commitment depends on what time the volunteer can put into it. Nil requirement to attend meetings – however verbal or written update required for each meeting (can be done on behalf of)


Position: 2nd Hand Uniform Shop Convenor

Role: Manage the operations of the 2nd Hand Uniform Shop including any online appointment bookings. Reports through to the P&C Treasurer. Responsibilities include timetabling for shop opening hours, opening and operating the shop, receive & receipt purchases, set up consignments, maintain accurate records. Provide regular report to the P&C Treasurer for the General Meetings.

Commitment: Weekly commitment expected during school term. Volunteered hours will depend on what the volunteer can offer and can be flexible according to their schedule. Nil requirement to attend meetings – however verbal or written update required to be given to the P&C Treasurer for updates at General Meetings.


Position: Book Club Coordinator

Role: Assist the College staff to promote the Scholastic Book Club program within the school. Coordinate the program including keeping the online portal details updated, stamp and distribute catalogues, collect and process orders, process deliveries and coordinate book club volunteers (book club helper).  Coordinate with the College Staff the annual Book Fair program, namely operate as the Scholastic liaison when booking the date and ensuring the resources required are available.

Commitment: Commitment required four times per term – 8 issues/year – each issue requires a commitment to stamp and distribute and a second commitment to sort the orders. Time dedicated depends on the size of the order. Commitment to Book Fair is approximately 10-20 hours.


Position: Swim Club Chairperson

Role: Sub-Committee Member. Chairperson leads the swim club activities throughout the year in accordance with the rules and regulations that govern P&C. This person should be familiar with those requirements and have a working knowledge of the subcommittees operating guidelines.  This role works closely with the P&C President and Executive Committee.

Commitment: Participation at all P&C General Meetings providing an update (verbal or written – volunteer’s preference).


Position: Swim Club Vice-Chairperson

Role: Sub-Committee Member. Assist the Chairperson where required and oversee swim club canteen operations.

Commitment: Required to coordinate the canteen at each swim club meet/night, including purchasing and manning stall/volunteers.


Position: Swim Club Secretary

Role: Sub-Committee Member. Secretarial duties include preparing meeting agendas and recording minutes at subcommittee meetings. Logging all inward and outgoing correspondence. Preparation of membership forms and any paperwork or signs required for sign on days or swim nights. 


Position: Swim Club Treasurer

Role: Sub-Committee Member. Responsible for swim club money matters including banking and logging of swim club income and expenditures. Maintain accurate records which include sign on fees reconciled against the membership register. Club financials to be prepared monthly and submitted to the P&C Treasurer. Responsible for end of Calendar Year stocktake which is submitted to the P&C Treasurer.

Commitment: Monthly commitment to prepare monthly financial report. Swim Club season months will require higher commitment then off-season months.


Position: Website development

Role: Work with the P&C Executive to build content and ensure the website is user friendly, functional and meets the needs of the school community.

Commitment: Time commitment will depend on the individual. Not required to attend meetings. This role can be worked at their own pace.


Opportunities: Connection Corridor activities

Role: Various opportunities will be available to assist with the Connection Corridor Project. This includes being part of planning and working bees.

Commitment: As opportunities come up volunteers will be called for. Each opportunity will have it’s own time commitment and individuals can put their hands up for what suits them.


Opportunities: Mother’s Day Stall & Raffle Organising

Role: Be part of a group of volunteers to help organise the Mother’s Day Stall and Raffle. Roles within the group vary – from identify stock to buy, to approaching retailers for donations. The success of the group relies on a number of volunteers putting their hand up.

Commitment: Time commitment will depend on the individual. Not required to attend meetings. These roles can be worked at their own pace.


Opportunities: Father’s Day Stall & Raffle Organising

Role: Be part of a group of volunteers to help organise the Father’s Day Stall and Raffle. Roles within the group vary – from identify stock to buy, to approaching retailers for donations. The success of the group relies on a number of volunteers putting their hand up.

Commitment: Time commitment will depend on the individual. Not required to attend meetings. These roles can be worked at their own pace.


Opportunities: Bunnings BBQ Organising

Role: Work closely with the P&C Treasurer to book in and organise one or two Bunnings BBQ Sausage Sizzle stalls per year. This role requires an active volunteer to take on preparing all the items required, organising stock purchases and coordinating the volunteers for the day.

Commitment: Time commitment will be more in the lead up to the events. During other times there is no time commitment required.


Opportunities: Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Organising

Role: Work closely with the P&C Executive team to book in and organise one Krispy Kreme per year. This role requires an active volunteer to take on preparing all the items required, organising stock purchases and coordinating the volunteers for the day.

Commitment: Time commitment will be more in the lead up to the event. During other times there is no time commitment required.



Opportunities: First Aid Officers at events

Role: Perform first aid duties throughout the course of P&C events where required.

Commitment: As needed basis.


Interested in finding out more?








Containers for change
2nd Uniform
Swim Chair
Swim Vice
Swim Secretary
Swim Treasurer
Website Dev
Connection Corridor
Mothers day
Krispy Kreme


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Capalaba State College P&C Association
School Road, Capalaba, QLD, 4157
ABN: 1 185 781 460

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