The P&C is all of us – the adults in this school community sharing their time, talents, passions, ideas and resources, for the benefit of all children and families. We welcome your support and involvement.
Why do we have a P&C Association?
The P&C Association is the official structure that enables parents to run services and raise funds to support the education of our children. Our P&C doesn’t have any employees, we are a volunteer association.
The Capalaba Stage College P&C works to support out school to provide the best quality education for our kids. This includes leading advocacy, fundraising and parent input to the school. We invest in school programs with funds raised through grants and fundraising activity.
Why join the P&C?
There is a lot that happens at school, and joining the P&C is a great way to understand how the school works, and to keep up to date on the myriad of activities that happen onsite. It’s also a great way to get involved in your community.
You can get involved as much or as little as you like! Parents and carers contribute in many ways, from organising a disco, special food day, disco or movie night, to working in the 2nd hand uniform shop, book clubs & getting involved with new initatives like the Connection Corridor.
There is no obligation for P&C members to attend meetings, volunteer time or participate in activities, but membership is essential if you want to be involved in any P&C decisions during the year, including how the money we all raise is spent. Due to rules outside our control, we all have to complete a new membership form every year – make sure you fill in the form (or scan and email us the paper form) to be sure we have your current contact details.
What does each volunteer roles entail?
We've compiled a brief breakdown of each role and level of committment required to give you an idea of what is involved before you decide.

Nominate to be involved